News from our Group of Companies:
10.10.2003 => IMS in Nigeria

In these days we are working on the founding of IMS Marine Service Nigeria. But we allready have a representative who is appointed to follow our and our customer's interests in Western Africa. To contact him please use the page contact.

16.09.2003 => We left Hamburg!

During the last weeks we moved from Hamburg to Quickborn, a city in the north of Hamburg. Our new adress and phone numbers you will find on the page contact.

16.09.2003 => Serverproblems solved

After one week with serverproblems our website as well as our E-Mail adresses are working fine again.

02.05.2003 => New Service offered by IMS Engeneering

Our company in Spain is well known for a long time for their technical services on and around vessels. Our uncomplicated, fast and individual solutions are now offered worldwide by IMS Engeneering Hamburg. We are availlable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 365 days a year to assist you. More information: here!

07.04.2003 => The new homepage design is online.

The choice of language between English and German is now availlable through a dropdown menu located in the titleframe.

Some single pages are not availlable in both languages and will be displayed in the other language.

The information about our several companies is only availlable through the menu Services, from now on.

Please take note, that you will find additional information about other projects in the menu Services.